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来源: 中国福彩网     2023-02-06 10:50:00

Celebrate the New Year with a lot of "blessing"! Recently, Shanxi Welfare Lottery launched the 2023 Love and Dedication Labor Competition.

The contest started on January 29 and ended on February 7, a total of 10 days. The contest sets the following activity rules for welfare lottery stations across the province:

1. Dedicated support: From January 29 to February 7, 2023, sales outlets that have been on sale for 10 consecutive days and whose daily sales of Happy 8 games have reached 100 yuan or more will be given 100 yuan of dedicated support after the ev Funds: If the amount reaches 500 yuan or more (inclusive), 300 yuan will be given as a support fund.

2. The support fund can be as high as it is low, and each sales outlet can only enjoy it once during the activity period, without double counting.

3. Those who have not started sales since January 29, or those whose sales have been interrupted and have not been turned on for 10 consecutive days, are not included in the support.

4. The sales volume of Happy 8 games must reach the standard every day, and corresponding support will be given, not calculated according to the average.

Shanxi Provincial Welfare Lottery Center sincerely invites salespersons from various Welfare Lottery stations in the province to participate, and wishes everyone good luck and prosperity in the new year!

版权所有:中国福利彩票发行管理中心 网站主办:中国福利彩票发行管理中心

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